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Strange Falls The Night!
Moon Romero's project
Strange Falls The Night is Moon's music project She has been recording under since she was 14. Mostly poetry and sound expiriments on tape.
Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed tristique euismod neque, quis maximus est semper ac. Fusce dolor ligula, fringilla ut malesuada ut, suscipit ut tellus. In sit amet lectus ut nibh aliquam lobortis.
Praesent vestibulum, libero quis scelerisque egestas, lacus orci aliquam risus, ac dictum tellus dui vitae urna. Sed eu eros nec nunc ultrices dignissim. Fusce sit amet bibendum ex, sed dapibus enim.
Living Night Happening
Hi guys, so A big important show happened on October 27. The bands listed below played at a house and it's said to be a very different, softly historic (for those there) event for El Paso. Blowing away the humdrum of tight rooms or industrial spaces of people being there and walking away empty handed and drunk, a new noise begins Breaking open the gridlocked punk shows we're accustomed to The band Alison, fuzzing out the typical shoegaze band after shoegaze band and squeezing it down to a single strategic person; Then the project: Strange Falls The Night! the Swirling honest upset singer-songwriting happening live, followed by sleeping history being cranked out with noise band: that destroys the set and morphs into the band MØLAR, completely mangling the putrid "masculine heavy scene" that icks through the city with a very sincere noise and sentiment, just awaking, and hungry. It is said the raw, honest, intentional nature of this show, from hand painted shirts to VHS veiwing, with jello punch and halloween masks, story telling and conversation— it was a total game changer. The mountains yawn open and out fly frustrations, history, and honesty like a stone thrown through the window of a stupid ford f-150.there will probably be another show in the first ringing shot of 2025, probably with more acts, ready to devour more, and deliver most, and take you in its arms and render you confused but bewildered.
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The rundown
Welcome. It is the website for Living Night LTD
An art colective from El Paso TX
Bands included are Strange Falls The Night, Alison, M Ø L A R, Mustafar, and Shoot An Elephant.
Aenean sodales suscipit ipsum, eget sodales nisl malesuada placerat. Curabitur rutrum egestas enim ut convallis. Vestibulum erat est, elementum eget sem quis, fringilla finibus diam. Aenean purus felis, ullamcorper at tristique pharetra, semper eget massa. Ut egestas ante sed quam facilisis, eu posuere dolor lobortis.
Vivamus eu odio et turpis imperdiet egestas. Nunc rhoncus sapien sed ultrices gravida. Pellentesque in nulla suscipit, feugiat mauris eleifend, vulputate velit. Duis aliquam congue tristique. Aliquam ut mi nisl. Mauris sed sapien ut sem porta facilisis a eu ligula. Nunc mollis nibh sit amet risus ultricies ornare. Proin vehicula imperdiet nisi in placerat. Praesent felis nunc, faucibus in turpis quis, mattis gravida neque. In volutpat neque at ex rutrum, in pellentesque felis tincidunt.